Edz eNgLiSh 10 HoNuRz

My English 10 Honors Site

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Patricians: Patricians are privelaged groups of families of a certain class who are dominant in political, religious, and military leadership. Compared to the common people, the patricians weren't much more privaledged except that they had reduced military obligations and opportunities to serve into certain priesthoods. The Patrician son learned poetry, literature, mythology, history, geography, Greek, and most importantly public speaking.

Senators: Consisted of 600 men who were either the sons of senators or Roman citizens 25 years or older. They were nominated by the ruler of Rome and elected by its citizens. In order to become a senator, you needed a certain wealth and status, and there were limits to occupation that didn't allow involvement in trade so that focus on civil duties wouldn't be distracted. A senator could be elected into various states of power where the ruler of Rome is at the top.

Topic Questions:
1. What were Patricians?
- Patricians were the elite families in political, religious, and military ways.

2. How were Senators appointed and what were the limits?
- Senators went through gradual stages of power that were elected. They had to have a certain status and wealth.

Additional Questions:
1. What did Caesar, Pompea, and Crassus form?
-The first political union dealt a death blow to Rome's republican system of government.

2. The Romans govern most of what?
-Coast of the mediterranean with exception of Egypt.

3. Who made Ceaser's heir and took up the political legacy of Ceasar and entered the mainstream of Roman politics?
-Keith Bradley.

4. What did Augustus eventually become?

-A very strong dictatory leader.

5. What were the different classes of designators?
Senators, patricians, equestrians, plebians, slaves, freedmen, and non-roman citizens.

6. What visually separated the classes?
-Clothing visually separated the classes.



5. How did Antony and Cleopatra affect Augustus?
-Lost to Augustus at Egypt, launched a period of vitality, religious renewal, and economic well-being.

6. What are the different classes of designators?
-Senators, patricians, equestrians, plebians, slaves, freedmen, and non-roman citizens.

11. What did the equestrian class form?

-Cavalry then grew to businessmen.

12. What were some appropriate jobs?

- Tax collectors, miners, exporters, administrators of public contracts.

13. What is a Plebian?
- Free Roman citizens who are not part of the patritian equestrian class.

14. What do they do?
- They were farmers, bakers, builders and artisans.

15. When was Julius Caesar assassinated?
- 44 b.c.

16. When did the conquest of Britian begin?

- 43 b.c.


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